Core Skills

  • solving problems and creating innovation

    Problem Solving and Innovation

    We enjoy providing our customers with the most appropriate solutions. This is accomplished through a thorough developed understanding of the application issues, the background science and processes in play and the commercial aspects of the requirement. In a large proportion of projects this usually results in the development of novel, and in some cases patentable, innovative technologies.

  • communications at the heart of our business


    We believe that effective customer communications are essential to ensure that expectations and outcomes are effectively managed. In addition to direct oral and email communication we ustilise a quality controlled project management system and an electronic document control archive to achieve this.

  • commercial off the shelf developments


    Based on our substantial, broad-based experience and a fundamental understanding of technology this enables us to identify existing and new-to-market technologies which may be used to provide the most cost effective route to satisfying customer requirements.

  • optical & fibre optic sensing

    Optical and Fibre Optic Sensing

    In variably in many new and challenging sensing applications optical and optical fibre techniques often provide the only route to a successful solution. From simple intensity-based fibre optic obscuration sensors to distributed fibre measurements and with over 50 years experience from research to systems manufacture we can provide all your fibre sensing needs.

  • evaluating commercial products

    Product Trials & Evaluation

    We help our customers to make decisions based upon certainty and confidence. Careful evaluation test design and analysis of performance can provide our customers with information which enables them to establish the suitability of a product or technology to their requirements.

  • technical consultancy services

    Technology Reviews & Feasibility Studies

    Whether it's a review of the latest research, patents, the current state-of-the-art or understanding the commercial maturity of well-established technology we can provide the due diligence needed for sound decision making be it for choosing a research and developement path or simply the adoption of a technology into your business.

  • project planning

    Project Planning

    Effective initial planning, the identification of critical project milestones and technology targets, regular programme reviews and an effective means of controlling technology or customer based project variations are all crucial parts of this function. We pride ourselves in providing well-development project plans that that enable work to be carried out to budget, on time with agreed project outcomes.

Specific Skills

  • optical design

    Optical & Optical Fibre Design

    The delivery of optical and fibre systems into challenging applications requires a deep appreciation of both optical design theory and materials science. With our substantial experience (>50yrs) in this area we can significantly reduce development cycle times and provide robust and, where required, novel access and measurement solutions.

  • electronic design and prototyping

    Electronic Design & Prototyping

    During the engineering of sensor electronics we aim to concentrate on optimising information capture and delivering cost effective solutions. This is done by implementing the most advantageous demodulation scheme combined with established acquisition and signal processing modules. Circuit simulation, schematic capture and printed circuit board development tools are utilised for the provision of test and pre-production hardware.

  • mechanical design

    Mechanical Design

    Good mechanical design is critical to the realisation of novel sensor design, cabling and deployment systems, packaging and instrumenation. Our mechanical design approach is based upon a well informed inter-disciplinary understanding of the key functional requirements. We utilise both 2D and 3D solid modelling environments which enable use to develop designs which focus on the ease of prototyping and cost effective manufacture.

  • prototyping skills

    Mechanical Prototyping Capability

    As a vertically integrated company we have a low-cost, fast-turn around, small-scale mechanical prototyping capability based upon a comprehensive workshop offering precision machining, metal forming and MIG/TIG welding.